About GPTZero
GPTZero serves as the leading AI detector, helping educators, writers, and organizations identify AI-generated content. With its advanced scanning and probability analysis, users can ensure authenticity in writing. The platform offers quick results and a detailed breakdown of AI probabilities, fostering trust in academic and creative work.
GPTZero offers flexible pricing with a free plan for basic detection up to 10,000 words monthly. Essential plans start at $8.33 monthly for 150,000 words, while the Premium plan provides 300,000 words for $12.99. Professional plans for enterprises are available at $24.99 for 500,000 words.
The user interface of GPTZero is designed for simplicity and efficiency, ensuring seamless navigation. With clear highlights of AI-generated sections and intuitive reports, users can easily interpret results. The layout promotes a user-friendly experience, making AI detection accessible for everyone, from educators to writers.
How GPTZero works
To use GPTZero, users sign up to create a free account and access the dashboard. They can paste their text or upload documents for analysis. The platform provides an overall detection score and highlights detected AI content for easy interpretation. Users can utilize the Chrome extension for on-the-go checks, ensuring convenience across platforms.
Key Features for GPTZero
Advanced AI Scan
The Advanced AI Scan feature of GPTZero provides in-depth results, analyzing text for potential AI authorship. It utilizes sophisticated algorithms to highlight AI vocabulary and predict writing authenticity, giving users unparalleled insights into the nature of their text and ensuring transparency in academic and creative writing.
Plagiarism Checker
GPTZero's Plagiarism Checker stands out by detecting content sourced from external references without proper attribution. This feature ensures the originality of written work, allowing users to maintain academic integrity while writing, thereby fostering trust in their content's authenticity and adherence to ethical standards.
AI Vocabulary Tracker
The AI Vocabulary Tracker in GPTZero identifies the most frequently used AI terms within a document. This unique feature helps users understand how language models influence text creation and contributes to more authentic writing. It empowers writers to refine their style while avoiding AI-driven patterns.